Saturday, January 13, 2007

The Plague In Contra Costa County

Fleas from underground black rats almost brought down the human race in the dark ages. A similar infection is spreading through the courts of California, where private judges are at work undermining the state’s court system. The plague is spreading rapidly.

Initially touted as a solution to an over burdened court system, private judges are now threatening to take over the system itself. Controversy about the use of private judges has heated to the boiling point in recent years. Government analysts and the media have expressed increasing alarm that a double tiered system, where wealth dictates law, is already in place.

One such private judge, M. Sue Talia of Contra Costa County in California, admits that such a “NEW SYSTEM” does in fact exist and its powerful influence is rapidly expanding.

Talia proclaims that an “underground system” is necessary to fight the bureaucracy and special interest groups that work with the legislature. On the website promoting her book (ironically titled), “How to Avoid the Divorce from Hell", Talia states that such an underground system “is currently and quietly solving the problems of thousands of divorcing couples.”

Talia is not a Judge. She has never been sworn in as a judge in California or any other state. She is a hired gun for the wealthy; a divorce lawyer who is making $350-$500 an hour selling herself as a Judge for Hire. Talia describes her practice as “high end family law”.

She dons a black magistrate’s robe and presides over “hearings” in a mock courtroom she has set up in her private chambers. She cloaks herself in this revered garment without having been bestowed the honor of a public trust. Like all of her covert fraternity, she has taken no oath of office. She is not bound by a code of ethics and a set of procedural standards. Despite standing court orders requiring it, often no court reporter is present.

This “Judge’s” niche is servicing high powered wealthy men who want to get the advantage in the divorce arena. In her thirty years as an attorney, she has collected a cadre of friends and collaborators who satisfy the customer by skewing custody evaluations and termination of family support.

Talia explains how THE SYSTEM works:

“ underground system will have to evolve, promoted by the forward-thinking lawyers, mediators, and individuals who insist on a better solution and are willing to operate outside the system to create it...the beauty of such an underground system is that it builds its own success, creating a track record of better results, lower cost, and more satisfied customers.”

THE SYSTEM’S “satisfied customers” are sending big numbers of referrals to these private judges. According to a scathing article by Michael Hiltzik, in the Los Angeles Times in March of 2006 titled, “Private Justice Can Be Yours if you’re Rich,” these judges are carrying at least 20 cases at a time.

California law is unique. It allows a layman attorney to conduct actual trials. Once a stipulation is signed, this attorney takes on the power of a Superior Court Judge. Yet, they are safe from the watchdog. The Commission on Judicial Performance has no authority over private judges.

The metamorphosis is now complete. In the blink of an eye and without scrutiny, a private attorney takes on the power of a Superior Court Judge. Now, they have the power to issue court orders that are nearly inescapable. They cannot be removed and their order cannot be overturned. For the disfavored litigant caught in the NEW SYSTEM, there is NO EXIT.

“Private judging is an oxymoron because these judges are businessmen. They are in it for the money.” Says State Appellate Judge Anthony Klein. Not surprisingly, these judges position themselves in enclaves where their rich clientele reside. Talia for example, has positioned herself in the wealthy San Francisco Bay area communities of Danville, and exclusive Blackhawk. These well healed nests create hundreds of millions of dollars for private judges every year. Los Angeles Supreme Court Judge Robert Holfern calls this system “evil”.

There is an inherent bias in favor of the person who holds the purse strings, and that bias can take the insidious path to retribution and revenge. A Judge who holds absolute authority in a courtroom with no accountability is afforded a dangerous amount of power. The lure of taking on the robe of the Grand Inquisitor, with the promise of lucrative referrals, may be difficult for some to refuse.

History has taught us more than once that when a system is infected, it is not long before the entire system crumbles. If we wait too long, it will be too late.

Talia brags about the virulence of the NEW SYSTEM:

“When it [the New System] comes knocking at the door of official recognition (as any new institution ultimately must), it is hard for the entrenched bureaucracies to do anything but acquiesce with as much grace as they can muster. M. Sue Talia ”


Anonymous said...

Excellent article! Thanks for posting this. I'd welcome any other information of this sort (or any other judicial injustices) for my website (mirrored on the Blogger sister site).

Civil Gideon:

Blogger site:

John said...

Normally suing a private Judge would pose some problems. If a Judge is bound by the law you anarchy. I really find it amusing that this is a issue to this blog writer. Anyone who has ever been in the Contra Costa County Superior Court Martinez, Ca.. These Judges brag about the fact the law does not bind them! Take their Commissioner Berkow for example. It has been well known by most that Hon. Berkow will not follow the law if no one is watching her;yet, when this County employee was asked to leave she threaten a law suit. This Judge used the very law she had denied so many taxpayers to save her own job. Cowardly to say the least. The "Black Plague" is the status quo legal community In Contra Costa County. It is not unusual to see simple issue in this Court have legal billings of $200.00-$500.00 per hour or over $50,000-$100,000. before the motion even hits the bench! Private Judges are real solution in the corrupt, unfair, and sometimes dishonest court.

Any change is a good change in the Contra Costa County Family Courts.

The Black Plague of Private Judges said...


The reverse is actually true. The private judges have been working underground long enought that the results are now being seen in the light of day and giving greater power to those on the bench. A few of the newer judges have actually spent years working as attorneys closely in the pseudo courtrooms of private judges. To sit in the private chamber of a "judge" such as Talia is as close to an inquisition as you will ever find in modern times (if you don't hold the purse strings. Yet, her findings become public record and part of the fabric of the greater legal landscape.

The vermin must be ferreted out before we can cleanse our system and bring back the justice our forefathers intended.